
Great Style is for Everyone, by Everyone, & Made with Everyone in Mind.

My mission is to help any professional—regardless of color, size, age, or ability—feel great in their clothes. Diversity and inclusion are important because I believe fashion, self-expression, and confidence is for everyone. And It's not one-size-fits-all. I'm committed to working with all ambitious people who want to improve their style while also creating a more sustainable and simpler lifestyle.

My Commitments:

I commit to the following personal & business practices:

  • Maintaining a diverse social media feed by following people of all races, gender identities, sexualities, sizes, and abilities.

  • Creating diverse more diverse content on my social media and blog

  • Encouraging a healthy dialogue around diversity in the fashion industry

  • Supporting and recommending eco-conscious brands who pay their workers a living wage and don’t engage in slave or child labor practices

  • Finding more BIPOC fashion designers, stylists, and influencers to collaborate with and/or share with my community

  • Seeking out more ways to support clients and potential clients of color and different abilities, age, and size

  • Learning from more BIPOC educators by engaging with their content and paying for their work

  • Continuing to learn and grow my own understanding of racism, fatphobia, ableism, agism, and sexism

  • Continuing to speak up about injustice in person and on my platform